Towards 2-Hop Neighbor Management for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks

Wed, 16 Dec 2020ยท
Ion Turcanu
Ion Turcanu
Minsuk Kim
Florian Klingler
ยท 0 min read
Message dissemination protocols for vehicular networks often build upon information maintained in neighbor tables. Due to high mobility and scarce channel capacity available in such networks, algorithms for maintaining neighbor tables must carefully select which information is transmitted at which time. Recent approaches rely on probabilistic data structures (e.g., Bloom filter) for transmitting such neighbor information in order to reduce channel load, yet they still suffer from scarce channel capacities. In this paper, we propose to use multiple communication technologies (heterogeneous networking) for maintaining neighbor tables by building upon recent 2-hop neighbor management strategies. Promising results show an increase of up to 19% of covered neighbors in comparison to a Baseline approach that only uses one communication technology.
12th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2020), Poster Session