
(2021). Poster: A Methodology for Semi-Automated CAN Bus Reverse Engineering. IEEE VNC 2021.
(2021). CANMatch: A Fully Automated Tool for CAN Bus Reverse Engineering based on Frame Matching. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
(2021). An Age-Of-Information Perspective on Decentralized Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks. IEEE MedComNet.
(2021). Age of Information in IEEE 802.11p. IEEE/IFIP IM 2021.
(2020). Towards 2-Hop Neighbor Management for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks. IEEE VNC.
(2020). A Data-Driven Minimal Approach for CAN Bus Reverse Engineering. IEEE CAVS.
(2020). DeepNDN: Opportunistic Data Replication and Caching in Support of Vehicular Named Data. IEEE WoWMoM.
(2020). Age of Information of One-Hop Broadcast Communications in a CSMA Network. IEEE Communications Letters.